Giving Makes A Difference

Your giving makes an eternal difference in the Kingdom of God — both in the local church and in people’s lives. The apostle Paul states that giving to support God’s kingdom is an act of worship  as well as an act of  obedience.  It allows us to demonstrate that God is more important to us than material things.

“For where your treasure is, 
there your heart will be also.” –Matthew 6:21 

Tithing & Giving

Tithing & Giving is God’s plan for funding the local church so that the needs of people can be met, ministry can move forward, and God can be glorified. A tithe—which just means “tenth”— was a principle established by God in order to support the Levitical Priesthood.  The apostle Paul notes that our financial gifts should be intentional, sacrificial, regular, and most importantly, given with a joyful heart.

The Bible teaches often about the importance and benefits of giving offerings. We are to give as we are able. Sometimes that means giving above and beyond the tithe. Every Christian should diligently pray and seek God’s direction on when, how much, and how often to give. Above all, tithes and offerings should be given with pure motives with an attitude of worship to God and service to the body of Christ.

“Each man should give what he has decided in his heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.” -2 Corinthians 9:7

We know tithing and giving is a huge step of obedience, but you’re not in it alone! We’re all on this journey together.

Schedule Your Giving

We get it. You are busy and constantly on the go. Between paying bills, scheduling family activities, and managing all the details of your life, giving can easily get put on the back burner. The truth is, it doesn’t have to be this way. Giving can be a priority for you, without it being difficult to remember. Set up a recurring gift today and your gift can be automatically given in the frequency you choose.

Generosity Is A Journey.

This tool is designed to help you move from money being an idol, to money being a tool for God’s kingdom. Start by focusing on the condition of your heart, and open yourself to be transformed into the likeness of Jesus. Each step in this journey represents growth in your lifestyle of generosity and sacrifice. No matter where you are on the journey, your giving fuels the vision of Oasis. Our entire community is being impacted in a significant way because of you. 

Where are you on your generosity journey?

An initial giver is someone who decides to give for the first time as a response to God’s word about giving. The first time giver is learning to trust God and the leaders of the church with their giving.

Question to ask: God, do I trust you as my provider? Show me where to start in my giving, and may my giving be a demonstration of trust in you.

A consistent giver is someone who decides to give something and to give it on a consistent basis to learn the discipline of giving. Often, a person who makes their gift a “recurring gift” is learning the behavior of consistency and in doing so, is a supporter of the church.

Question to ask: The apostle Paul says we should excel in the grace of giving (2 Corinthians 8:7) God, am I giving on a consistent basis that shows my desire to excel in this area? Show me how to become more consistent and disciplined in my giving.

A Foundational Giver is committed to tithing – this is a contribution of the first 10% of their income to their local church. Tithing is a principle seen throughout the Bible, and it is an act of obedience, worship, and good stewardship of God’s money. The tithe is the foundational way in which God funds the local church, and impacts the world.

Question to ask: God, what’s holding me back from being the foundational giver that I want to be? Do I need to build my faith in you? Do I trust my church leaders? Teach me how to trust.

An intentional giver is someone who doesn’t just tithe, but thinks intentionally about their giving. His/her intentionality reflects how they prioritize giving in relation to other things on which they spend their money.

Question to ask: Do my choices about how I spend my money accurately reflect how I feel about God and his church? Or do some changes need to be made? God, show me what it looks like to recognize you as the one thing that drives everything in my life, including my financial decisions.

A surrendered giver is one who knows the power of the gospel and is fully surrendered. 100% of their resources belong to God. This person often goes above and beyond their regular tithes and offerings to advance the kingdom of God, and make a significant impact in their local church. This giving mindset isn’t concerned with what they ARE giving, but is more concerned with what they are NOT giving, and why. They seek to honor God with everything, whether money or any other resource God has given them.

Question to ask: God, what am I NOT giving, and why? God, show me what it looks like to truly honor you with all my heart, soul, mind, and strength.

A legacy giver is one who is thinking and praying about the legacy they are leaving. They aren’t necessarily consumed with the day to day, or the year to year. They’re thinking about the next generation who is coming after them. They make short term financial decisions with the longer term in mind. A legacy giver is driven by things of eternity, putting their hope in God and not in the things of this earth.

Question to ask: Do I make large resource decisions in light of my eternity, or in light of my time here on earth? God, 100 years from now when I’m dead and gone, allow my financial decisions today to impact generations to come.


As the building fund grows, it allows us to make strides to fulfill our financial obligations on our home at 1828 Ralph Stephens Road and supports future expansions so that we can widen our reach and expand our impact within the growing community of Holly Springs.  Our expansion will enable us to minister to 600 adults, and their children, per service. More important than accommodating people, we can expand a home base for ministry to our community. We will leverage this facility to partner with other local groups and organizations who are doing great outreach in our community.

If you wish to make a recurring or one-time gift toward the expansion, please click here and select “Building Fund”.

If you would like to donate stock, real estate or make other unique contributions, please reach out to

3 Ways To Give



Give once or schedule recurring gifts by clicking here.



Drop cash or checks in the giving boxes beside the auditorium doors on Sunday morning.



Mail your gift to Oasis Church at 1828 Ralph Stephens Rd. Holly Springs, NC 27540